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Archive for the Alessandra Ambrosio Category




Alessandra Ambrosio’s Green Bikini for Old Times cuz She’s Old of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio must be in her 50s by now.

She wasn’t the most impressive of the VS models when VS was using hot chicks to sell product as the main foundation of their business model that lasted something like 30 fucking years before they gave into the pressures of the 1 percent woke mob that ruined fucking everything…

Sure, VS were accused human traffickers that created Epstein, or at least financed him and gave him his Lolita Express….but that doesn’t mean it worked out terribly for everyone involved, like Ambrosio and the other Brazilians they were excited about….because they had a Brazilian fetish harder than your friend into Trannies before there were trannies in North America…and you had to travel for that shit.

So this one, never that impressive, but always fucking there….is in a bikini shot by the paparazzi.

This is an ancient tradition of man from a pre-internet era that the social media freaks may not understand.

The idea that they are so important others take pics of them doesn’t process for them because they think they are so important and take pics of themselves.

But there was a time when it worked the other way around.

Since people hate celebs, I doubt there will be a Paparazzi revival, but some of you may still like the whole voyeuristic nature of sluts in bikinis being captured on camera by perverts….even if they are old as shit like Ambrosio.

The good news, she’s not fat, her ROT not as bad as most girls rot…..


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Alessandra Ambrosio’s in Bathing Suits of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is a solid 300 years old at this point. The nice thing about her though, is that she’s manage to slow the rot down and manages to look better than she did when she was young, but I didn’t find her hot when she was young, she was the questionable VS Model, that I assumed had family or friends that worked for the brand because she had a “college soccer player” look to her, which isn’t really a lingerie model I want to fuck look to her….

As it turns out, they don’t cast their whores according to me!

Maybe it’s strategic lighting as posing, she is a prolific catalog model and knows how to present her strong jaw to the world, but it’s probably Botox and face filters who cares….I’m staring at the roundest breasts I’ve seen since that time I made a tranny before trannies were trending and cool show me his bolt on tits….bolted on so tight I thought I was in some small engine mechanic school just look at them….

The good news is that in her 40-something rot, she’s vain enough to stay fit and keep up appearances, because letting herself go would erase her from the world…and she cant have that, there’s too much money to mooch off with those tits.

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Alessandra Ambrosio Bikini Tits of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is about 50 years old, for the majority of her adult life she was sponsored by or owned by Victoria’s Secret and was likely one of the longest running bikini models they had and through it all, I never saw her appeal, I thought she was so basic and boring, yet the people clearly bought what she is selling…

Now that she’s 50 years old or something, she’s actually looking substantially hotter than she did at her prime, maybe it’s updated tits, fillers, filters, AI and photoshop, but she’s finally hotter than I ever thought she was, which makes no sense since she’s 50 years old….which means WITCHCRAFT is happening here and I’d get to the bottom of it, if I wasn’t too busy staring at those tits…


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|Alessandra Ambrosio




Alessandra Ambrosio Goes Tits Up of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio’s in the water in a bikini, just giving it away for free, all for self promotion or marketing of what I’ll assume is her direct to consumer bikini brand that is likely created and funded by the same people she worked for for 20 years but that they can’t say is the backer, because the whole point of the influencer brand is to reach people who don’t shop at Victoria’s Secret!

I never gave a shit about Ambrosio, she was always the one I wondered about in the mix of talent they had over the years, I figured she just must connect to the basic bruenettes and push product to them, because she was nothing substantial, but at 40 years old, or near 40, she’s looking better than ever, which doesn’t make sense, unless you factor in getting lots of sleep from not working, eating well from being rich and fucking rich, working out and cosmetic procedures, fillers, implants, and photoshop!

But yeah, 40 year old Ambrosio is hotter than 20 year old Ambrosio, make it make sense!


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Alessandra Ambrosio Tits on The Beach of the Day

You may not believe in the whole celebs aren’t real, they are just clones, or they get replaced with clones when their host bodies expire…..

You may not believe that celebs are CGI….or just overly aggressive instagram filters, you know the HOLLYWOOD version….

Especially with someone as insignificant as Alessandra Ambrosio….why would they fucking bother…but we don’t understand the inner workings of human trafficking, the model industry, why some are made stars and others aren’t…so we just take it…

But I will say, Ambrosio was not this hot at her hottest and that’s some kind of fucking witchcraft that I don’t understand….WOMEN never get hotter in their 40s….

I could understand the awkward girl in High School developing late, finding her hotness, maybe looking better at 30 than she did at 18….but when someone’s been working as a model for a lingerie brand since she was about 20 being a hotter version of herself at 40…is a fucking mystery…a MYSTERY you can jack off to.


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|Alessandra Ambrosio




Alessandra Ambrosio White Bikini of the Day

I am not saying that the Victoria’s Secret people are human traffickers, I’m just saying that the mainstream news seems to think that the founder of Victoria’s Secret, who owned Victoria’s Secret up until recently, was one of the world’s most famous human trafficker financiers…

I don’t believe any of the storylines they feed us on that human trafficker, I think it’s all a cover-up or distraction, because it’s probably FAR worse than what we know, but that’s pretty expected in these things and if it doesn’t affect you, it doesn’t fucking matter really…so let the other people deal with it…while I stare at Ambrosio’s tits.

I just find it fucking weird that she was cast out of all the girls in Brazil to be one of their models, who stuck it out with the brand as long as she has…at the time, she wasn’t that hot….

But I find it weirder that she’s hotter at 40, retired from the brand that I am sure had all kinds of guidelines she had to meet in terms of maintaining her hotness…but for whatever reason waited until 40 to really fucking hit…

It pretty much defies science, which is why I think she either has dirt on the inner workings of the brand….OR…she’s created in a Lab like Josephine Skriver…either way, women don’t age hotter…so SOMETHING SCI/FI must be going on here….I just don’t have the answers and don’t mind going along with it because she looks hot…and that backstory is irrelevant to normies like us.

TITS…are relevant to normies like us….

So focus on that.


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|Alessandra Ambrosio




Alessandra Ambrosio Nude of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is in some titty magazine shoot for ART not SMUT which is basically still SMUT, but you can lure the models in easier by telling them it’s art….

I don’t know what the magazine is, I just know that the pictures have gone viral because they have her round as fuck tits….which makes me think they are likely some aftermarket tits…not doing the best job disproving that she’s a Brazilian Transgender, which was a rumor that I probably perpetuated back in the day, because I never found her to be the hot VS Angel…plus at the time Tranny Porn was a thing, before they called it Transgendered Porn, you know because tranny is hate speech and derogatory…but being in porn getting violated isn’t I guess….YOU CAN’T CALL IT THAT….IT CHEAPENS THE BACKALLEY SHOT ON AN IPHONE PRODUCTION QUALITY OF TRANS SEX…

But yeah, round tits more often than not are small implants, especially when girl is a lingerie model….but I’m not here to hate on the tits that are close to 40 if not already 40…I mean the host body, not the tits, the tits themselves could be weeks old for all we know…and she’s looking better than usual…so rotting isn’t the same for all washed up near menopausal pussy….


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|Alessandra Ambrosio




Alessandra Ambrosio Nipples of the Day

This is an Alessandra Ambrosio, Human Trafficked froM Brazil vial Victoria’s Secret, who was one of their top players in her heyday, even though I found her the ugliest of their people, which I guess was still hotter than the dumpster pussy I’m used to, but this isn’t ABOUT me….it’s about marketing a mall brand to the masses and this bitch HUNG onto that gig until she neared 40….why end a good thing….that she probably didn’t full deserve based on all the other hot chicks of the world who would have basically cut off their tits, or in some cases their dicks for a shot a Victoria’s Secret….

Anyway, in the last year or two, despite being old as shit, Ambrosio’s pulled through like an Ambrosio Salad in being the hotter now than when she was 23….WHAT?! I know…

I don’t know if this swilled titty shot is in her geriatric years or a throwback, but I do know it’s part of a book she’s in, probably from the photographer, and her tits, likely fake tits, cuz I’m staring at the nipples to see if they are zombie nips or not and I can’t tell, and does it really matter…so long as they are shitty bolt ons…I’m into it..cuz they tits.


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|Alessandra Ambrosio




Aloha Alessandra Ambrosio of the Day

I guess Alessandra Ambrosio, who is in her 40s, but for some reason looks hotter than she did at 25, which may not be saying much to people like me who thought she was a giant “whatever” when she was getting all that Victoria’s Secret hype, but that should be saying something to those of us who didn’t buy into all her Victoria’s Secret hype, since on a fundamental, biological level…any 25 year old is going to be hotter than their 40 year old version….and I don’t understand it…

Is it baby blood transfusions, STEM CELL TREATMENTS from Brazil, is she on HGH like a male actor in their 40s trying to keep muscle mass, is she getting face injections but subtle so she doesn’t look like a muppet…is it supplements, is it diet, exercise, hydration….or IS IT A CLONE from the same CLONE lab they pulled her out of…because I’m convinced if any brand was CLONING in the 90s and 00s it was Victoria’s Secret working on creating the MASTER woman…probably in labs in Brazil where the law were lacks….but I am not a journalist, I’m a shit poster and this is the shit…

She’s in Hawaii, living her best life of luxury, because California beach life’s not ZEN enough for the endless summer babe…and because bitches at her level are funded…rich guys love being around them thanks to their resumes and with that you get to do nice things all while hardly being impressive at all….just 20 year VS model alum is enough for these people…BRANDED by the right BRAND.


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Alessandra Ambrosio Got Them Tits On of the Day

I don’t know if Alessandra Ambrosio has been on the baby blood diet that is being spread amongst the rich and famous of Los Angeles, you know, since they are evil, but she’s another one of these bitches who I’ve personally SEEN rot or expire like some old Brazilian cheese left on the floor of a fancy MIXER, if said fancy MIXER happened on the internet through slutty paparazzi pics, slutty modelling and slutty selfies….

At the tail end of her Victoria’s Secret career, it was a “when is she going to fucking retire, she’s so fucking old, no one wants to see 40 years olds in lingerie, we fuck 40 year olds in real life, wishing they were 25 year olds in lingerie”….

It was a “GIVE IT UP”…and finally she did…and as we reflected on all her accomplishments, assuming she’d move off to some farm or back in Brazil by the beach where she’d write her autobiography on being a VS model, human trafficked before that was frowned upon, meeting important people when they weren’t as obvious piles of garbage we’ve since learned they are….you know…celebrate that career and realize even at her peak, she wasn’t all that great, like the third tier of the VS models even though the brand loved her…

Since retiring, the 40 year old is hotter than ever and I don’t know how that happens, but I’ll look at the tits instead of digging to deep into the LIE.


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio