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Archive for the Alessandra Ambrosio Category




Alessandra Ambrosio Tight Leggings of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio Tight Grey Leggings

I have seen these Alessandra Ambrosio over the last few days, but I was too lazy to bother posting them, since no one interacts with me on this site, sometimes it feels like I am doing it for no reason, and being someone who hates all people, it seems pretty ridiculous that I post content for people to read, in some personal diary about my life that isn’t all that interesting because I live in fucking Groundhog Day, a movie I didn’t even like….but here I am sharing shit that doesn’t matter…even though I hate sharing….

I love how tight these leggings are.. I love tight leggings that hug pussy and ass…I love pussy definition on moms, on college girls, on fat chicks…it’s always amazing….

I love grey leggings, because you can see the wet spots…that come from pants so tight you’ve got them in your twat….rubbing that clit…

The whole thing is a fucking win.


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio’s Gnarly Cameltoe of the Day

I think it’s time for Alessandra Ambrosio to size the fuck up, because clearly these pants, no matter how intense the technology of leggings have got, can’t support her exploding mom pussy…it’s looking like a boil that you’ve got on your back from sitting, ready to pop….fucking filled to the brim, hanging on by it’s last thread, an explosion of pussy ready to happen….and for some reason, I reason I call PUSSY DEFINITION on an old should be retired model…I like it.

She’s old, she’s not the hot one, but this cameltoe is amazing…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Cameltoe of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio Cameltoe in Tight Grey Leggings

Ambrosio is a mom, and based on all my research that includes only fucking on mother in my existence in having sex, because that’s how I became a stepfather….and really my wife is so fat that her pussy regardless of having kids would be fat…mom pussy is fat….

So when you wear leggings this tight, and you have fat pussy lips from being a mom, it’s probably hard to not have this cameltoe happen…

Which makes for a fascinating question – which came first, the tight leggings or the cameltoe…and I’m going to go with cameltoe…because even in the Days of early man, fabric was getting stuck up inside vagina, probably more than we’d expect because of the limited ability to shower..making for some cesspool of bacteria…sticky to everything that came near it….on some FLY PAPER pussy….something that we can assume AMBROSIO can relate to…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Bikini of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio

Bikini models in bikinis without getting paid is like getting a lap dance and having the stripper say it is on the house….you know sex with a pornstar for free….It’s the comped meal at your favorite restaurant…it’s the TV on the corner with a sign that says “TAKE ME”….it’s a reminder that the world isn’t all a greed filled, money obsessed place, and that some things in life are still free….without corporate ownership…even if she is owned by Victoria’s Secret…and they probably put her up to this.

She’s the kind of girl who needs to simmer the fuck down, she’s old, she’s had her time, and whether she still sells lingerie harder than a tupperwear party hosting mom, make room for new pussy….

She is marketed as some sort of supermodel, according to her and Victoria’s Secret…but I find it all pretty dull…


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio is Still at the Beach of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio gets her pussy wet at the beach



I KNOW YOU’RE CONCERNED…NERVOUS…ANXIETY RIDDEN…UNSURE..INSECURE…SCARED….and….ALONE…not knowing this very important news…but you can rest easy….and TRUST ME WHEN I SAY there’s nothing to worry about…

Alessandra Ambrosio is Still at the Beach….

In case you thought she wasn’t.

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|Alessandra Amrbosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio’s Bikini Party of the Day

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I find watching a 38 year old lingerie model, who is still a lingerie model, which is weird but with photoshop and all that, I get what the brand would keep her around, she has fans, following, owes them her career, probably took a pay cut to continue, and all that logical business analytics stuff…

But when she takes it to her instagram, promoting herself like a 20 year old aspiring bikini model, in scandalous poses, because she doesn’t know how to do anything else, I find it awkward…

This is a mother, a religious mother, from Brazil…and her whole spreading her ass for her fans to sell bikinis…is just weird to me…

Use your instagram to be a mommy blogger, I want cookie recipes, or really a little more from her than posed bikini seduction…I want to save the bikini pics for the 20 year olds…this is just too weird to appreciate…but then again, skinny model, mom or not, in a bikini, shamelessly whoring herself, cuz she makes millions a year…is fine too because…old or not…half naked is HALF naked…which is why I worked at the old folks home changing diapers and washing the tenants….

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Sports Bra of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio Belly Button

Here is Alessandra Ambrosio at the gym wearing a sports bra….a place I assume she spends most of her days, like a weathered and exhausted athlete before retiring doing all he can to compete with the younger versions of herself that she probably thinks she paved the way for…but that she definitely didn’t pave the way for shit…girls have been getting naked and half naked for decades, if not centuries, even for this brand that has made their promo models celebrities.

It amazes me that Ambrosio is still one of their stars, getting the big money, but they run analytics on these bitches, and know she converts because I guess she’s got that celebrity and those fans and other 35 year old women who buy the VS garbage respond to her, she is familiar, what they know, and they prefer it to young pussy that makes them feel like shit about themselves…fascinating..


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio in her Bikini of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio pulls her bikini up her ass

Alessandra Ambrosio may be an old washed up mom, but she’s still a woman, and as a woman we must treat her with respect and encourage her to continue to get half naked, even if it defies science, like some kind of sex worker, because it’s good for her ego….a celebration of 40 year old women who managed to remain fit because they were getting paid…

But instinctually I think she should just bow the fuck down, make room for new pussy, you got your pay, your wealth, in all your half nakedness all these years….it’s time to work behind the scenes, in management maybe…

There’s no way her celebrity really still sells panties, unless of course the women who are fans of her have followed her and are now her age also….relating to her…and doing what she says…which makes sense..I’m not a woman, I may have a blog like a girl, but I’m not one…

I just like to assume she still exists and the brand keeps using her because she has dirt on the company they don’t want released and they figure let the old bitch keep getting naked, it’ll shut her up…you know a different kind of extortion, one you can jack of to….

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio’s Sucking Pineapple Dicks of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio sucks a straw in her bikini on the beach

Alessandra Ambrosio has been sucking more than just pineapple dick in efforts to stay fresh and youthful…unless of course there is botox on fillers up in this tropical delight…or maybe the sperm of some obscure Jungle animal…or maybe just the fresh blood of babies she harvests in some tribal ritual…because she’s 100 years old…and looks good…

Must be some kind of witch…


Except for the whole bikini thing…I mean that looks good…

To see the rest of pics – so many bikini pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio and her Flat Ass cuz She’s an Old Lady of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio lays on the beach in her bikini

Alessandra Ambrosio has been in her bikini doing bikini bullshit wearing her bikini for the paparazzi, because she needs the attention, the media, it helps increase her relevance and brand name, keeping Victoria’s Secret roped in another year, despite her being 40…

Age Defying, but eventually, sooner than later, her ass will melt off, it’s science…you can’t trick science, proven in these pics of her ass, that isn’t bad for a woman of any age, but already flatter than it was last week…

The end is near for this booty, but maybe, just maybe Plastic surgery procedures she probably get will save the day….


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW