Billie Eilish the brother fucker who has gamed the international music scene into thinking she’s good….
Another Taylor Swift who just massaged the retard mind the right way that it female ejaculated all over our ears.
Revolutionizing pop culture and the entertainment industry is what is arguably the worst way possible…which I guess isn’t really revolutionary but more destructive than anything.
She is the “T” in LGBT…you know, just overhyped and annoying and representing mental illness….
She is not hot, but when people realized the fat chick had fat girl tits, they got excited.
She’s apparently been working out, because she’s rich and has no real excuse not to be fit, other than the ability to purchase as much food as she can at any hour of the day, she’s got assistants and a credit card.
She’s also apparently releasing a new album to cash in off the retard mind she’s got her claws latched into….and this MAY be a photo promoting it, complete with bandaids under the pantyhose like you’d like your meth whore to have instead of the open AIDS lessions and METH wounds….
Her face is dopey as shit, but maybe you jerk off to that kind of thing:
In other EYELASH news, she was potentially given the AI treatment for a runway walk by some creepy EYELAS fan, probably her brother generating some jerk off material, even though he can just turn on the spy cam he has in her toilet for that.
Her tits are big in this rendering, but that face still dopey, but AI tits or Real Tits if this is real have an ability to distract by dopey faces…
Posted in:Billie Eilish