I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Nina Dobrev Category




Nina Dobrev Bra for Ocean Drive of the Day

Nina Dobrev is a vampire slut, or at least she plays one on TV, which but she isn’t a vampire at all, but some cunt who gets paid to lie to the world….but I can say she doesnt have a soul, she sold that shit for this vile fucking career….But I hear she has a great appreciation for the Mexican culture…at least that’s what my friend told me…who caught this Nina Dobrev bitch smearing guacamole all over her pussy in the bathroom at their high school….a story I can’t validate but can masturbate to.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev and Friends in Bikinis of the DAy

Nina Dobrevis some Canadian actress who I never met despite having met every single girl in Canada, since our ice villages are small and we’re only a short ski, snow shoe, or dog sled apart….but maybe that’s cuz she got on TV pretty soon after moving here from Bulgaria…before getting on American TV where men everywhere masturbated to her….something I think will be challenging in this twitter pic, only cuz you can only see bikini tops, but I wouldn’t put anything past you, or your perversion, especially when it involves girls from Vampire themed shows…virgin losers love that shit.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev in a Bikini of the Day

Here’s some Canadian 21 year old who is on some show called the Vampire Diaries and she’s in a bikini. I’ve been hearing a lot about her over the last few months, maybe it’s because I am in Canada and Canada gets hard for their 5 actors who landed gigs in the USA, or maybe it’s cuz people want to fuck her, and I guess why wouldn’t they, she’s 21 and pussy is at its fucking prime at 21, since it knows how to fuck better than 18, because 18 is a little shy and conservative, but it is not as damaged as 25 where a few break-ups have thrown them into “slut” phases….but from an objective point of view, she’s got a pretty shitty fucking ass. I’m not sure if it is flat, or if it is fat, but I do know she should do some fucking squats, cuz some shape is lacking….but I’m not complaining cuz a bitch in a bikini is a bitch in a bikini….even if that bikini is jacked the fuck up like it’s designed for a post pregnant 40 year old who is trying to wear a bikini to be hip but wants to hide those unflattering stretch marks…but whatever….

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Bikini|Nina Dobrev