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Archive for the Nina Dobrev Category




Nina Dobrev in a Swimsuit in Australia!

Nina Dobrev does to Gingers what Rosie Huntington does bald guys, she gives them hope.

She brings hope that gingers and balds and bald gingers can score solid pussy.

At least if they are top performing, type-a-personality in their respective fields, whether that’s sport, business or acting or all.

If they have secured tens of millions of dollars, possibly credited as the best to ever live in their respective fields….the ginger and baldness gets erased and the hot pussy lines up.

She’s a practical Canadian who was imported from some Eastern European country due to weird immigration policies in Canada that pay the immigrants to move here….only for her to be exported to the USA when it comes to her making money and paying taxes, because why would she ever pay the system back for giving her the opportunities the system gave her.

Meanwhile, Canada sits here with a hard on for her, because they aren’t a serious country and they just get excited to be associated with someone of importance…Canada loves any plug that Canada can get in the world…like a bunch of groupie fucks.

Anyway, she’s old, but not fat, in a one-piece bathing suit, which is age appropriate and respectable, something women don’t seem to have anymore…

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Tits Out in Barbados of the Day

Nina Dobrev may not be all that famous, but she is a refugee who fled to Canada only to stick around long enough to get her papers, which allowed to to enter the United States with more ease.

While in the USA, the refugee from Eastern Europe was able to amass some wealth as an actor, which is better than if she stayed in her Eastern Europe where she’d likely be working as a cam girl or OnlyFans hustler, the Eastern Europeans are the best at that shit….

She also secured a national icon in the form of Shaun White who is the billionaire snowboarder who has had his hands in all kinds of successful businesses….making him a pretty good sugar daddy despite the fact that he’s a creepy fucking ginger that looks like some kind of circus clown at the fair who terrorizes you in the funhouse. Gingers scare me.

She’s in Barbados, where she posted some pics including a nude child, which has upset her fans because she probably shouldn’t be posting nude children on her instagram feed….the internet is a weird place and it’s probably best to keep those moments in the family, maybe on a private chat because on the surface that’s a normal thing, but on the internet to millions of really weird people, it takes on a different form….

Luckily, she also posted her mid 30s, near 40, tits and ass because celebrating a successful refugee story mooching off your system and doing better than you is how you should always start the week after a drunken labor day in the socialist state you live….

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Crippled Porn with Nina Dobrev in Paris of the Day

Nina Dobrev has some leg injury or knee injury from sucking billionaire dick…or doing something athletic while trying to impress her billionaire dick….which to those of you who don’t know is Shaun White, the snowboarding legend, who was luckily a snowboarding legend, because his whole GINGER-AIDS looks would have otherwise landed him in the travelling circus working as a carni….

That’s not to say that Nina Dobrev is only with him for his money, maybe she likes the circus look because of her Gypsy heritage….just caravans across the country scamming every off highway small town they can….

It’s just to say the visual of her sucking his dick is repulsive….

The Canadian is in Paris with her pass-through Canadian citizenship, which is when immigrants come to North America via Canada because Canada is the friendly immigrant loving country, only for the immigrant to move onto the USA with their Canadian passports and future Canadian pensions and free Health Care, but for now, work in America…

She’s posing all GIMPY and for those of you scavenger types, that’s the equivalent of your prey having an injury so that you can finally catch your own meal for once…

Which means the injury with knee braces are PORN to some of you….so here’s some crippled porn with Ninas in Paris…

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Drops the Crutch and Pulls Out the Tits for Canada Day of the Day

It is Canada Day, a national holiday to celebrate maple syrup, people who speak funny, Tim Hortons and everything else amazing about Canada….a list slowly getting shorter and shorter since the oppressive regime has taken over..but maybe I’m just a right-wing extremist, even though we don’t have wings here in Canada…we just have canoes.

But yeah, since I’m a right-wing extremist according to the fags at Starbucks who had a sign drawn up for pride covering every single sexual dysfunction that is outside of being a straight male, so no “guy who loves tits” but instead the words that line up with the LGBTQ and all the words in their catchall “+” marketing scheme…just none that are straight or normal…but instead creepy and weirder and weirder…

I’m that guy….not a blue haired tranny who cuts off his dick….and cries when Jeff Probst of Survivor calls the whole cast of Survivor “Guys”….but rather someone who is anti over-reach, destruction of nation, taxaton, over-liberalism, destruction of the family etc….Nina Dobrev represents a lot that is wrong with the country….

She immigrated to Canada because it was easy, her family leached off the system or took advantage of the easy route into North America, only to have her fuck off when she had the opening to go to America as a Canadian, not some Communist….

Only to make her millions in the USA, where she pays her taxes, unless she’s structured in some scheme where she doesn’t pay taxes, only to not contribute back to Canada because why would she, she just fucked us and left us with those titties….

As it turns out, I don’t mind being fucked and left with those titties….because I don’t actually care about immigration, destruction of nations, or any of that cuz I am more into looking at tits….a far better distraction while far smarter people than me monetize from our ignorance being bliss until it’s not.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev’s Tits Out of the Day

Nina Dobrev is broken, but she’s got some mid 30 Eastern European tits that took advantage of Canada’s immigration laws and was able to make it to America and become famous tits.

She hurt her leg fucking her snowboarding husband billionaire ginger circus clown CARROT TOP….

So now she’s trying to offset the injury tits out…

What she doesn’t realize is that creeps like us like the injury, it gives us the idea that we can catch up to them when they run…

It’s not that creepy, it’s just animal instinct and we know we are the ones in the herd who need to eat the sick and dying animals…not the good stuff.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Disabled Fetish of the Day

I saw some pictures of NINA DOBREV AT AN EVENT and she’s rocking a pair of crutches.

I am a terrible celebrity titty blogger, because there are too many tits to keep track of and more importantly, not that many tits that really interest me enough to care…

So Eastern European Nina Dobrev who used Canada’s easy immigration laws to establish herself as a child in Canada, only to move to the USA the second she got her Canadian passport, where she lived as an acturess….is not all that amazing to me.

She’s got a good body, good tits, but she’s old and boring…plus she is dating billionaire snowboarder SHAUN WHITE and their fucking repulses me because of his gingerhood.

Anyway, turns out she’s injured and ever since Cronenberg (a Canadian who stayed in Canada despite making hit American Movies)’s CRASH, I’ve looked at people in braces and with crutches different…you know because it’s a fetish to people.

It’s not a fetish to me, so I didn’t know it existed, but it’s a fetish….maybe because it makes it harder for her to run, maybe because it means she needs to be cared for, maybe it’s because you like medical devices….but girl’s in a brace, on crutches, exhilerating as she hobbles along.

Google says she broke her knee and ripped some ligaments in a bike accident…so HOT….hobble over here and sit on our collective faces bitch..

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Swimsuit of the Day

Nina Dobrev was at one time a Canadian Refugee, using the lenient Canadian immigration laws to give her and her family a better life, through maple syrup, free healthcare and all those other social services that keep the country high taxed and highly fucking gay….

Only for her to fuck off, to leave Canada for the USA because opportunity knocked, never to come back here again, never to pay back any of those taxes spent on allowing her to be human trafficked throughout North America like some kind of sex worker, since that’s basically what being an actress is….

She’s currently fucking Shaun White, the billionaire snowboarder who is more importantly a GINGER, so you know that she’s still into the wallet….and when you’re Eastern European, it’s just part of your culture, along with BORSCHT and Burnt Milk…

She’s in a one-piece, probably pregnant, she’s of that age and I find her hot enough for a mid 30s white girl getting drunk in a piss pool…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Showing Off Her Body of the Day

Nina Dobrev may not be the most interesting mid 30s Hollywood starlet who is hardly a starlet, but from her modest start as a rich enough to buy citizenship in Canada at a young age, only to fuck off to America to headline a bullshit CW show that probably made her even richer.

BUT she does fuck GINGERS and for the gingers out there who hate themselves for being GINGER, since GINGER-ISM is scary to the NON-GINGERS, with your super GINGER retard strength because your kind had to survive the elements after being left in the woods to die or fend for themselves in the early years of humanity because the parents assumed your species were demons that HAD to get the fuck out of the house….meaning those who did survive were some kind of special…

So yeah, as long as the ginger is a billionaire snowboarding icon and champ, she’ll fuck it…and that should give all you gingers hope that if you become a billionaire OR famous, you’ll get a BULGARIAN mail-order of your own, one that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY….

In conclusion, I think Dobrev’s got a hot middle-aged body, long thin legs, fat enough tits, no BOTOX or FILLER to make her look like a clown and I dig it enough to look at her on vacation getting MONKEY POX like a fag.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Bikini of the Day

Canadian Eastern European actress who turned her back on Canada for the American dream she is living is very Canadian in her choice in men.

She’s been with snowboarder Shaun White Privilege for a long time because together they understand the snow!

It’s nice to see that she doesn’t discriminate against the ginger population since everyone, even gingers discriminate against gingers because they are freaky with their super powers and demonic coloring.

I guess if you’re a near billionaire super star American sports hero, you could be a penis-less, diaper wearing, burn victim, missing fingers from diabetes, herpes ridden, dying of aids because that would be more appealing even though it’s not a death sentence she could easily swap the pills out for sugar pills and try to expedite the death since she’s repulsed by him….and hot chicks would still raw dog him and sit on his lap in public pretending they can’t get enough of him!

I guess some people have a ginger fetish too. The neon pubic hair is like lights along the runway for them to know where to find the pleasure hole!

Point of the story they are on vacation, she is in bikini, she is hot, I am staring at her.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev in a Black Dress of the Day

The Bulgarian Canadian who made it to America….thanks to easy immigration laws….that allow people who make enough money to set up shop, to cultivate their young child, by training them to be the actor sold to the industry that Dobrev became…..with the spirit of communism in her soul, this work camp ain’t so bad, in fact it’s quite swanky, luxurious and exclusive….

I don’t know if you’d consider her a huge star, but I’ve recently started appreciating her thin, fit, hot, kind of busty body, while her face looks its actual age and not overly like a muppet ,it’s a good thing.

I mean, I haven’t seen her act, EVER, but they say she was on TV and is riding that money and maybe she’s made some good investments so that she doesn’t need to work, like by letting billionaire Shaun White, snowboarder cum in her, BEST deposit ever…..

Plus she’s Eastern European, she doesn’t need much, just some rationed toilet paper and a dream….so starvation, famine, and all the fun that comes with communism has made her able to stretch her earnings as an actress so that she can do more important things like get stuffed by a ginger snowboarder….the way Eastern European Prostitutes would….not that she’s an Eastern European Prostitute, but we’ll assume someone in her lineage was and that shit gets passed down…>GENERATIONAL TRAUMA if you will…..DNA has MEMORY so that we learn and evolve knowing dangers that would kill us in the wild….we are animals you see….and if it is how to suck dick proper….SO BE IT….

Posted in:Nina Dobrev