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Archive for the Nina Dobrev Category




Nina Dobrev Snow Bikini of the Day

Nina Dobrev, the Canadian Immigrant who made it in America because she clearly just used Canada’s easy immigration laws to her advantage, always knowing that once she made it to North America she knew that she was a fucking star…she just couldn’t do it as a child in a cold water flat in War torn Soviet Union…I guess…but she used that Eastern European intelligence and hard work to figure it the fuck out, or she was sold to the entertainment industry via Canada…and now she gets to hang out in the SNOW that’s not CANADIAN snow…because she’s too good for that…but instead American SNOW with her American Snowboarding Billionaire boyfriend…and together they produce weird snow bikini clickbait because everyone’s an exhibitionist whore…

To not, the 30 something has some long legs and tits, and that’s good enough for me…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Panties of the Day

I don’t know whether Nina Dobrev is tapping into her Gypsy roots, or easter sex worker in the communist block era her granny was from, before being saved by Canada and their easy immigration laws, where she could out perform the non-communist, lazy, spoiled, Canadians and become a star actor in LA….who now fucks professional sports heroes who may look like circus clowns, but are rich as shit due to his athleticism….

I do know she’s in the panties, with nice think mid 30 legs and a tiny ass…so whatever the motivation, someone decided to film her with her brain cancr causing AIRPODS in, to show you how fearless she is, I mean she didn’t just survive Communism, she fucking THRIVED because of it…so BRING IT CANCER…with your RADIATION in the mother fucking ears..

This is a star in her panties uploaded by herself for you to see, meaning she wants you to see her in her panties…that’s some whore shit…alright…I’m into it.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Bathtub of the Day

Nina Dobrev Bathtub

Nina Dobrev’s in the bath with her leg up showing you the position that she gets fucked by billionare snowboarder Shaun White who she is dating, because when you’re famous, your sugar daddies are higher profile, because they don’t realize they are being sugar daddies, assuming that the girl’s got money of her own, and I’m sure she does. She was on some hit shows…

It’s just a reminder that the same principles apply to the rich and famous, girls love money, love fucking dudes with more money than them, and probably like being impregnated by them too…you know monthly payments…

I mean she’s dating a ginger with super hero strength, because that’s what ginger’s have, hence his success in sports…dude’s basically a circus performer, but cooler because action sports are less faggy than juggling…

I would just have a hard time believing she’d be as into him, if he wasn’t rich, famous and possibly the greatest thing to ever happen to snowboarding, which is probably a big deal to a Canadian who loves being making snow angels with her asshole…

But maybe his richness is just bonus….cuz she’s not superficial like that guys….

Who cares, she’s in the bath and not showing cunt, which is a bath fail to me.

If you’re going to take a pic of the bath, make it fucking count, especially when she’s old enough to know better, but maybe she’s too old to really realize who slutty the younger generation is….you know so she dips a toe in like a mom of FB putting up a bikini pic…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Gets Wet of the Day

Nina Dobrev is also known as Shaun White’s Eastern European Fleshlight…not this is not a Fleshlight ad, but it should be…so if you know anyone who works at Fleshlight…like that Onnit guy Aubrey who’s stepdad created the Fleshlight…get them to give me money…or he can give me money with his Onnit shit..

This is not about Joe Rogan’s boyfriend, this is about Shaun White’s sex toy, because when you’re rich enough, your pocket pussy comes in the form of Eastern European import who likely has money of her own, because her parents sold her to the entertainment industry when they settled in Canada thanks to its open door immigration policy…that kind of backfired since she fucked off to LA where meaning she pays taxes in the USA not in Canada, even though Canada gave her that opportunity…pretty fucking rude….

I guess reducing a hot body Eastern European actress who is living her dream life thanks to making that actress money, to being a sex toy to a billionaire action sports dude who looks like Carrot Top…and not just because he’s got neon pubes…because we’re a feminist society people, and women aren’t just extensions of the men they have seduced knowing they’d make fun and rich as shit dads…

Point of the story, if I had the budget, I’d want my sex toy to look like Nina Dobrev too. She’s in her 30s and looks good.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Skinny in a Sauna of the Day

Nina Dobrev is the trophy wife to some snowboard angel…or demon..he does have red hair and that shit is demonic….but instead channels his satanic power into being a snowboard hero who gets paid heavy….that gets to moonlight as an Eastern European sex worker’s number one client….not that Nina Dobrev is a sex worker..she’s an actor….so by default she is a sex worker the Eastern European part is just bonus.

I don’t know what this selfie shoot is for and she may be looking older, which is a breath of fresh air….in this world of face injections it’s nice to say an old baseball mit face in a tight shirt…like some middle aged real estate agent at the open house you snuck into cuz you saw her listing in the newspaper and thought she’d be fun to jack to at the open house she is running….accessible and professional pussy.

How about some sauna pics from her lesbian retreat with Mormon Julianne Hough…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Pussy Print of the Day

Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev are on some sugar baby trip to wherever the fuck they are in Europe because the RICH can do anything they fucking want….

That’s not to say that Julianne Hough or Nina Dobrev are officially sugar babies, I mean they both make their own money and are famous enough to get trips paid for by the hotels, yachts, etc….I mean they probably don’t even plan their own trips…they have assistants for that…and it’s all so outrageous because neither are really that impressive…

I think Julianne Hough’s claim to fame was getting her dick sucked by Ryan Seacrest for a while, I’ve heard first hand accounts of his sex and seduction of these idiots….while Nina Dobrev from one TV show once….is fucking a billionaire ginger snowboarder…

That’s not to say that girls can’t be “Bosses” it’s just that girls like this like the handouts because they think they are important, plus HOUGH sends half her earning back to the Mormon church for salvation…..while Dobrev sends her money back to her home country of Romania or whatever the fuck this gypsy communist is from before buying her way into Canada as they do…

Not that this behavior is really mormon, it’s a pussy spread for the fans…that they both seem to be really into…because that’s how these sluts work…just not very hard work…cuz when they are this famous….it doesn’t take much effort.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Pussy Print From The Back of the Day

I saw this picture of Nina Dobrev from behind yesterday and I probably should have posted it because it’s fucking great…

She’s got a hot fucking ass, in the right pose, long looking legs, and is a reminder that Eastern European women are just built better.

There is a reason that Ronald McDonald/Carrot Top the Snowboarder who I think is a billionaire at this point has chosen her older ass to call his own….it’s a great fucking ass…and I am into pussy from behind, so I may be overhyping this, but as far as I’m concerned it’s fucking perfect….all bikini pics should be the modern Coppertone Girl, you know because she’s over 18….

The body is good, the ratio good, the tits good, the face doesn’t look like a muppet and she’s genuinely having a good time, but I guess as an Eastern European, she’s probably happy not being in a communist workcamp….and now that she’s on the right side of the conversation…she’ll never be in a communist workcamp…but I can’t say the same for you…but at least we’ll be able to live vicariously through the rich and famous who aren’t affected by COVID…because…they know it’s not real, but that they have to pretend it is, to keep you fuckers at home and away from their fancy places you didn’t have access to before either.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Bikini of the Day

Nina Dobrev is on some scissoring expedition with Julianne Hough in Europe, because the Elite, or the people who fuck the Elite, or work for the Elite, don’t get all that negative vibes the rest of the world has to deal with….they are important tools in the propaganda machine, designed to distract the idiots with bikini pics while the world is collapsing….

I am not entirely sure if the Eastern European is teaching the Ex Morning the whole lesbian sex show, because I am sure both know all about whoring, you know to get in the position they are int…

I am sure the Dobrev, is rocking a bikini and has a fit as fuck body, with solid tits I didn’t know she had, making me a little more accepting of her rich as fuck immigrant who made it storyline, you know all it takes is a hot fit body in a bikini and I’m sold…forgetting how horrible they are.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Bikini of the Day

Nina Dobrev is Olympic Snowboarding hero and possible billionaire thanks to all his investments from being an Olympic Snowboarding hero’s fleshlight….

This is not a paid post from Fleshlight….none of these posts are paid…I’m not very good at monetization….like the kids of Youtube and Social media on their money grubbing hustle…

I am good at calling mail-order brides from Romania or Bulgaria or wherever Dobrev was from before jumping the invisible maple syrup ice wall to get herself into the Americas since she was too young to be sold off to some fat lonely man with a solid pension….

I guess reducing Dobrev to being a pocket pussy for a rich Ginger haired circus performer with a lot of money isn’t fair…because she’s accomplished shit in her own right, I mean she was on a hit TV show and has lots of instagram followers…she matters….at least in her own mind she probably matters…

I will say that she’s in her 30s, doesn’t have a muppet face, has a realistic looking body, that’s all you can really ask for.

I know I am shocked that I’m the guy who is embracing natural aging as a good thing, but after years of being face to face with these shiny skinned, bloated clowns, seeing someone who still resembles a natural woman and not a kardashian is hot…especially when in a skimpy bikini I’d rather see her bush sticking out of…but we can’t get it all…

We got GIFS from the Julianne Hough Mormon Fuck Fest…

And a weird panty pic…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Nip Slip of the Day

Nina Dobrev’s showing off her decent sized Eastern European tit in her weird fucking dress…and there is some VISIBLE nipple, because as an Eastern European mail order bride, who got to skip the mail order part, thank to Canadian immigration laws, Canadian casting couches, and American production companies casting her, so that her sex work is less obvious than being featured in a catalog sent to lonely americans looking for a wife….like they were all those years ago…instead she can use those acting skills to pretend she’s of the utmost quality and that any and all billionaires would be lucky to get her riding them like they were being used in an elaborate escape plan from their WORK CAMPS, because the setting may have changed for her, the circumstances may have changed for her, but her Snowboard Billionaire can show her pics of WAR TORN Eastern Europe and threaten to send her back anytime she’s out of line, as if she was a mail order bride…you know whores come at all socio economic levels…

In conclusion, she’s kind of hot, probably because she looks her age and not like some kind of muppet, but also because she’s got tits I wasn’t aware of because I don’t care about any of this nonsense, but I am glad her titty’s poking out, just not very glad, since i don’t care about this nonsense, but a titty out is a good look.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev