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Archive for the Nina Dobrev Category




Nina Dobrev Panty Flash of the Day

I don’t know if this is really considered a panty flash, if the dress is sheer and the panties are designed to be worn under sheer dressses, but I am not a fashionable person who understand panties in any capacity beyond jerking off to them, so if they look the part….then that’s good enough for me…even if she’s potentially wearing panties under what we are calling panties like the strippers I used to get lapdances would do…and that I never understood…but I guess it was an extra layer of protection from spillage….

That said….Nina Dobrev, the Vampire Diary starlet from Easter Europe, via Canada, now living the American celebrity dream with her billionaire snowboarding champion boyfriend that I assume is confused for being Carrot Top….you know since all Gingers look the same, unless that’s racist….I know such a low hanging fruit…go for the obvious…make fun of a ginger for being a ginger when he’s the biggest star his sport has ever seen and he’s rich as shit from being the biggest star in his sport..allowing him to stick his dick in girls from TV in their rich and expensive lives they probably pretend to be “laid back” in…and this fat fuck pervert loser from the internet is going to call him Carrot Top….fuck yeah man…go for the obvious, it’s easy, effective and we’re not trying to reivent shit…if a bitch is fat, we call her fat…it’s not complicated and if a dude who looks like Carrot Top is offended by that kind of bullshit when rich, the star of his sport and fucking some hot TV star…he’s gotta go do some work on himself cuz he’s fucking won…

Either way, panty flash.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Topless of the Day

Nina Dobrev Topless

Nina Dobrev wears a mask at what I’ll assume is at a place that she’s getting her asshole waxed, you know those Romanians and their hairy gypsy assholes….or maybe she’s getting her pre-cancerous cells lasered off her cervix like the lady who used to make me my sandwiches…who announced her HPV pussy for being the reason she wasn’t there one day after I finished eating my sandwich…back when I could leave the house and get a sandwich…

I know she’s not here getting fucked by Carrot Top’s biggest gag….that he’s Shaun White the snowboard aficionado and billionaire she has sex with…I don’t know if snowboard aficionado is the right thing to describe your ginger haired Olympic hero, but I’ll run with it since no one is reading this….

I assume that she will probably get impregnated by him, but for now, she’s a budding entrepreneur with a wine company she does with Julianne Hough….since drinking is a solid medicine to heal your broken soul….a little cause and solution to all your problems…

I also assume she doesn’t get too much botox, because she looks like a Romanian or Bulgarian exported to Canada, who landed a TV deal, and is now living the American dream….you know rockin’ some mileage which is nicer than rockin’ a muppet face…even when she’s getting her asshole bleached or whatever she’s doing in these pics…let’s just hope she’s not masking outdoors because that will make me hate her and the propaganda she’s pushing on us.

Nina Dobrev Topless


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Bikini Spin of the Day

Nina Dobrev is the Russian mail order bride that professional snowboarder, American Hero and GoPro Billionaire….Shaun White has acquired with all his money and good clown-like looks…because everyone knows mail order brides do what they can to get what they need…I’ve seen 90 day fiance…I know…

The truth is that Nina Dobrev, the Canadian export I never met, because she only routed through Canada from her native Bulgaria on her way to the fucking top….all Canadians know each other you see…probably has a lot of money on her own, but like all sugar babies before her, who date men richer than them for security when it comes to shitting out babies and such, as love is as much a business and it is about love, you gotta secure the best possible divorce settlement before you star…especially when your celebrity opens the doors to other rich guys who want to fuck you….there are options…only the best, or richest, or most value….meaning cool to rich ratio wins!

It’s a general misconception…people think since she’s rich and he’s rich it’s pure love since they don’t need the money…but rich people give a fuck about money and you can still be a money grubber sugar baby who wants a dude’s money, EVEN when you’re rich…or famous…or both…

Life is about opportunists seizing opportunities…possibly why her family came to Canada in the first place…that better life…

But the real question is why would White, who could fuck 23 year olds who are as rich and famous as Dobrev, despite his looking like Carrot Top, be with this. Sure she’s hot to us losers, but she’s old…so she must be a good hustler….gypsy shit..

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Spread of the Day

Nina Dobrev Spread

It looks like Nina Agdal Dobrev whoever the fuck has made lunch for her creepy billionaire boyfriend…Carrot Top’s brother….Shaun White….the olympic hero who looks like a circus performer and not because he knows how to flip..but because he’s a ginger…

So this is the pussy that he fucks, likely in this position, probably not when eating his salad, but like the athlete he is, hence the smile on her immigrant face…

She’s American via Canada from Eastern Europe….which is probably why she knows these moves as a back-up if the whole acting thing didn’t workout, or the billionaire husband thing didn’t work out, and I think it’s a good look….she should just try it with less pants on.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Bikini Clickbait of the Day

Nina Dobrev is not some life changing celebrity, but are any celebs really life changing….she is however a beacon of hope to all the Eastern Europeans stuck in communism, that you can use Canada as a loophole to buy citizenship, get work as an actress that gets the attention of casting directors in the USA, to pull you down there, give you that work visa and allow you to exist amongst the stars…

I don’t think she’s been in anything since her Vampire show that was a huge hit, but thanks to social media, where she’s posting clickbait for attention or clout, to keep the dream alive….and this is that clickbait…

I think that she’s a nice reminder that when a bitch is old, washed up, tired, over and done with the whole celebrity thing….she can still find love…but that’s not the reminder, the reminder is that she’s a beacon of hope for all the ginger losers out there, that love will conquer all, and despite a life of being teased, you could end up with a babe like Nina, so long as you’re a bilionaire snowboarder…

Like Rosie Hungtington before her, who gave hope to bald men that if they were action stars, they’d get a model too….only this one’s for you gingers…just get that snowboard, start doing those tricks, get shares of Gopro before it hit, and CASH the fuck in….as an American hero…and you TOO will get the CATCH of the litter…or whatever the fuck that expression is.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Ass in White Leggings of the Day

Nina Dobrev doesn’t just wear white pants, but she also inserts White into her ass…get it…cuz her boyfriend is the circus clown looking billionaire snowboarding Olympic hero doing that whole bootleg Carrot Top thing, where his comedic props are less annoying that the original Carrot Top, but more in the form of 30 something year old Eastern European refugees that managed to end up on a TV show in LA after a stint in Canada where her family bought their way in….

In this video, her boyfriend Carrot Top White filmed her booty in her pants, which is not all that great of a booty, but still the booty he cums in and is smitten by, since she hasn’t worked as an actress in a long time, her finances are likely dwindling, and she’s turned her acting into manipulating rich men….as these actresses do because acting for a movie is much like acting to seduce men since men are half retards and fall for it…and if you don’t believe me, ask any rich guy who’s paid out half his money in divorce settlements, they know….”The sex was so good, she was just so perfect, I couldn’t believe it was real, until the day after we got married and shit got real”….you know romance for profit shit that may have been invented in Communist Russia, but more likely a TALE AS OLD AS TIME..\

I also don’t give a fuck about Shaun White and Nina Dobrev being young and in love doing epic things cuz they are rich, like shooting guns…I am more about her thinking his photography / filming skills are so LOL…no wonder he made 100s of millions of dollars off his deal with GOPRO kind of thing…a fucking MARTIN SCORCESE level director up in here….but the real question is where’s that sex tape at…since I prefer my ass shots to include less clothing and more spreading…..maybe oil that shit up and make a PEROGI out of her….

As a sidenote, I was reminded that I have historically been grossed out by ginger haired people’s mouths, maybe it is the contrast of their pale skin to their overly dark lips, but in High School I’d gag watching the ginger kid eat…so I googled it to see if redhead mouths offend or disgust anyone else, or if I was alone in this…maybe it was just a one-off situation….and this is what google brought back to me….

You’re naughty google…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Public Urination of the Day

Nina Dobrev Squat

I know that there’s a huge pee fetish movement out there…..from people who think squirting isn’t pee so that they can justify their getting pissed on as being awesome fucking lovers who understand the pussy so well that they know how to induce a pee stream as a girl cums…..you know real man shit….especially in this era of hook-up apps and porno sex for ALL….then there’s the people legit into watching girls pee, whether on the toilet or on themselves or in the showers….you know the sext that knows you’re serious because you’ve been able to get a solid pee video so you know how a peeing pussy looks….then there’s all the drunk girl peeing in public that’s all over the internet…so people like to peed on…they like to watch peeing….so I guess that makes Nina Dobrev a PEE FETISH supplier…because without the peeing girls to document peeing us pee fetishists have nothing…not that I’d categorize myself as a pee fetishist but if a girl is going to film herself pee< I'll watch it... I guess what it comes down to is that being a Romanian or Lithuanian or whatever Eastern European country she escaped to Canada thanks to Canada's easy immigration rules "just have 100k and come on in"....she could very easily be peeing on cam sites in a basement for some armed guard and her fans on the cam site she works for....instead of for Olympic snowboarding hero who fucks her, likely up the ass, Shaun White....the proof girls like money and success more than looks because that guy's cartoony... JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES!

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Titty Shot of the Day

Nina Dobrev Pink BRa

Sofia, Bulgaria’s own escapee, who nationalized in Canada because Canada is a friendly place with no immigration laws, that can get you in on the free healthcare system with a small investment of about 100k into a business, like a convenience store or restaurant, which will give you and your entire family permanent residence, in what I guess would be a more stable country that Buglaria in 1989…..and who turned her back on Canada when she found stardom, like most of these ladder climbing bitches, who are always trying to size up or better themselves….by landing a hit show at the time that instagram was just starting, so that she could amass 21 million followers like an actual celebrity, and exist of that instagram feed instead of doing shit like actually working, because social media work is documenting your day with one photo and story, in what is typically boring and uninteresting shit, but that the fans watch and engage with because it’s something from someone they are fans of….making for a very boring world filled with all the same content…

The only good thing is when they decide to bring out the tits for some clickbait moments like this…even though we all know she’s currently fucking rich as fuck superstar Snowboarder Shaun White, who despite his success is a very ugly looking ginger, making her sex something you’d likely not want to watch, or at least that you’d only watch to see the pasty freckled snowboarding monster fuck like she was a half pipe…

I don’t know what that means…but I am sure it involves him showing her his bank statement to make her Bulgarian ass cum….anyway, this post is about her tits and the fact that I had no idea she was so stacked…..I guess it’s also about her being a 31 year old who actually looks 31 in this era of muppets getting face injections at 16…that becomes rare and hot in and of itself…

Nina Dobrev Pink BRa


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Butt Shot of the Day

Nina Dobrev has shown some pussy definition in a provocative one-piece bathing suit on her MEXICAN vacation HERE ….

She’s with her boyfriend, superstar billionaire snowboarding mastermind Shaun White, and who she also fucked for the paparazzi in the ocean on her MEXICAN vacation HERE

She is now showing off her ass by the pool in a little bikini, it’s a small ass on some skinny legs, but not a bad ass, and you know, I like skinny legs…

I am not a Nina Dobrev fan, I haven’t watched her show, but as Canada’s own, she’s doing pretty good out there…plus she’s an Eastern European and those genetics that survived communism make her someone you should want to stare at like all the other Easter European and Russian girls half naked on the internet…at 31…from behind is probably her best angle so take it in…faces melt.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Fat Pussy of the Day

Nina Dobrev Fat Pussy

I am not a mathematician or a scientist….I am not a doctor, even if I pretend to be one everytime I fist a homeless prostitute…THIS IS FOR CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING NOT FOR PLEASURE YOU GREEN DISCHARGE STINKY SLUT…

So I am not sure if Nina Dobrev’s fat vagina hanging between her legs in this bathing suit is a product of being banged out by the Billionaire Snowboarder Boyfriend that she’s gotta be a real sick fuck to fuck….he’s a ginger…rich or not…he’s a ginger….or if she’s just go that Romanian Gypsy pussy that’s designed to breed in their caravan listening to Klezmer….oh wait, she’s Bulgarian and Canadian…because unlike me, her dad is a scientist…and I doubt he knows what the deal is with her pussy hang…but at 30 after 10 years or more in Hollywood…these things can happen.

The Vampire Diary girl does look her age, or older, but I prefer that to muppet faces, but I guess if she’s ever looking for fat to inject into her face to give her a new fresh look, they know precisely where to source it….

Don’t get me wrong, fat pussy lips aren’t a bad thing, or something worth mocking…I’m just pointing it out…but then again, I am an equal opportunity pussy fan…no pussy too nasty to celebrate….

Nina Dobrev Fat Pussy



Posted in:Nina Dobrev