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Archive for the Nina Dobrev Category




Nina Dobrev Bikini of the Day

Nina Dobrev Tits Wet Bikini

Someone told me that Nina Dobrev has herpes…but it could have been Lucy Hale…the person who told me this was fucking one of their ex boyfriends…which I guess means they found out about the herpes when feeling the burn…but not in a Bernie Sanders kind of socialist way….

What I know about Nina Dobrev is that she lived in Canada for a minute because I guess it was an easy country to immigrate to, socialists….

I assume her mom still lives in Toronto or wherever they ended up to steal everyone’s jobs as well educated immigrants do….

But this one is in LA living the fucking celebrity life…but I don’t know what I am talking about….I just look at pics, like a half retard in the corner of your elementary classroom….because that’s pretty much what I am…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Tits in a Mormon Sacrifice Ritual with Julianne Hough of the Day

Nina Dobrev TIts in a Mormon Sacrafice

Nina Dobrev is hanging out with Julianne Hough the Mormon who was sexualized at a young age – sent off to Europe for her dance…possibly molested by her trainers and /or her gay brother who wasn’t allowed to be gay in the Mormon church so they’d make him practice on his sister….and now Nina, the Canadian immigrant, now an American Immigrant, because I guess that’s the easiest way to manipulate your way into a Green Card, is hanging with the mormon and participating in her weird Mormon sex games that John Smith the Mormon founder with 7 wives would be proud of…

This is some Sister Wife Baptism ritual in a bikini cuz they are modern…and it’s weird.

Here she is spreading her legs
Nina Dobrev Pussy SPread


Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Tits on Vacation with Julianne Hough of the Day

Sluts who vacation together are still sluts…

We’ve got Nina Dobrev, who cares and Julianne Hough the bad Mormon….doing some BFF shit that may or may not include scissoring, I mean they are sexualized at a young age, celebrities with no souls, who turned their back on the church to be famous in their own right as dancers and pussy on TV people jerk off to…so we can assume they scissor…but if they don’t…they have seen each other’s vaginas…cuz all girls have seen each other’s vaginas…it is something they do to make sure they are better off than their friends…you know cuz girls are competitive, fake and catty and when they do this whole BFF thing we know, especially when they are from Hollywood, that it’s tactics to leverage each other’s fans for their own personal gain….but we’ll pretend they are BFFs on some lesbian vagina comparing trip..you know buy into their bullshit storyline…because it’s Christmas and no matter how transparent they are….they are sluts and we love sluts but we prefer when their slutty is better than this contrived shit…seriously…what the fuck kind of clickbait is this…at least use social media for what it’s designed for…and expose yourself proper.


Posted in:Julianne Hough|Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Ass of the Day

Nina Dobrev…the immigrant in not one by two countries…is stealing all the jobs from you locals…because unlike you locals, I’m talking to you fat people in Mississippi, she’s worth looking at in a bikini and not in a weird fetish, the bouncy castle 600 pound life fetish, that losers who fear their girls being able to walk from them, so they date a bitch who stays where they want them all day, in bed, cuz she needs a crane to get her out of bed, Nina has ass worth looking at…

Romanian Gypsy Sex Worker engrained in her soul. Her DNA but mainstream Hollywood…cuz she was on tv.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Topless for Fashion of the Day

Nina Dobrev Tits Out for Fashion

As a Canadian, Nina Dobrev is very important to us. You know an immigrant who used the lenient immigration laws in Canada to come through to North America and establish a life, that she relocated to Los Angeles to be on a hit show that I never watched because it was about Vampires and Vampires are stupid….only to never return to Canada…but instead give all her celebrity money to the US in exchange for a work visa, so that she could really be Hollywood…stealing jobs from other Canadians we’d rather export to the US to be on HIT shows….and then stealing jobs from Americans being the immigrant she is.

What I see when I see her is a failed sex worker, because when she moved here in the first place, she could have just as easily become an escort working out of a Toronto club doing bottle service…but instead she’s doing this…which I guess is some level of sex work, but not the kind that can give you AIDS or get you beat up by Russian pimps…

Nina Dobrev Tits Out for Fashion


Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Asshole Sweat of the Day

Nina Dobrev posts slutty workout videos, which isn’t a big deal, pretty much every girl on instagram who goes to the gym covers as much ass in fitness gear content as possible. Gyms have big mirrors and bros who know how to selfie to capture the content for them. You know she they can share it with their fan base and get jerked off to the way they want to be jerked off to – since they feel hot – at least hot enough to show the world close up videos of her ass in leggings squatting.

Well Nina Dobrev, of Vampire Diaries fame…posted up some Asshole Sweat…it’s a fetish and really the third best asshole lube behind pussy juice and spit…and I guess your own cum…and olive oil…so maybe the fifth best asshole lube.

Think about that as you molest yourself to it.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Doesn’t Support Nike of the Day

Here she is out in her REEBOK like NIKE wasn’t something she had to stand beside to let all the other Hollywood liberals know she’s a Canadian Socialist from a communist country, and that the freedom to stand or sit whenever you want is pretty good place, whether you agree with each other or not, at least you can do what you want, including burning your NIKES…

Where she is from, the girls become sex workers forced to pee for men they don’t like….I mean then she came to canada where the spoiled brat got put into acting…and became this bitch intentionally taunting you all, playing both sites…in her REEBOK because in true Canadian fashion – don’t have an opinion or upset anyone they are all potential paying customers…


Some more NIKE MEMES…

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Bathing Suit Volleyball Slut of the Day

Look at that form….

This is what I call a Russian or Eastern European with discipline…who came to America via Canada…unsure if she would make it as an actress because she’s not that hot…but who knew that whatever she ended up as…whether it be a stripper, dancer, personal trainer or waitress…she was going to do it as perfectly as she could..because she remembers a time when communist teachers would have you killed or multilated for not delivering….I mean maybe she doesn’t remember that because she’s a silver spoon fed spoiled first generation with no appreciation or understanding of the USSR they escape….but her mom probably remembers and for that instilled all she could to make this one marketable at something….which I guess included Volleyball…

Highlight of these pics – her friend’s fat thong ass.


She was also at Burning Man….as whores in LA do…to lose themselves and such…

Oh and in a bikini 6 days ago…

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Fitness Erotica of the Day

I like to think of this site as nothing more than a jerk off site, a fetish site for people into famous girls being whores, and a place where I can take out my sexual frustration and failures on these people who seemingly win.

Sometimes I say it’s a comedy site, you know in a just jokin’ around…kind of way…

But I never really report news, or anything relevant, sure the nudes and the slutty behavior is the latest they are up todo and thus I am news in some right….but ultimately….I’m just reposting slutty behavior for everyone to jerk off to.

So whether it’s of this Eastern European Nina Dobrev from Vampire Diaries, who came to North America via Canadian Immigration laws….that allowed her to get work in Canada that she could parlay into work in the USA on TV….or really any slut that has some level of celebrity…I’ll post it…

From bikinis, to fitness fetishes of girls who should have been sex workers….but who are now realizing that fitness is a good way to do social media porno without being obvious porno…or obviously shameless…just slow and steady deep squats….

We’ve got it all…the one stop shop no one stops to shop at….but check out this bitch hump the fucking air like it was a producer offering her a movie roll so that she didn’t have to turn to social media to make her passive income…directly selling to her fans!

Nina Dobrev Ass in Pink Bikini Getting Wet


Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Swimming with Sharks of the Day

Here’s some Nina Dobrev continuing to win at life by not being eaten by sharks, with her ass out in a slutty bathing suit bottom….

For those of you who care…Nina Dobrev is some Canadian immigrant, who wasn’t separated by her family, but who has moved onto the USA thanks to being a talented and amazing actress from Degrassi…who got work in AMERICA…

She now lives the American Dream, as the Eastern European Drake with bigger tits.

Her family is still in Canada and I assume she’s a cunt about Canada now that she’s all American…

But like all girls she’s doing the doing health and fitness instagram content and by health and fitness I mean slut content disguised as health and fitness…

She’s pushing 30, and I guess her new angle is this angle…of her ass…underwater…doing adventure.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW