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Archive for the Nina Dobrev Category




Nina Dobrev’s Ass of the Day

Nina Dobrev Full ass blue leggings

In a world of porn, spread assholes, and all that pantyless, spread vagina and asshole, and overall good old fashion pervert as fuck times being norm….

It’s hard to get excited about a chick in fitness pants doing some public workout for some media attention, all ass in the air…because it’s really not all that erotic, exciting, unless that’s your fetish, or unless you’re into Nina Dobrev, whoever the fuck that is….doing whatever the fuck this is…

I’d be lying if I said I’ve never heard of Nina Dobrev, because I’ve done bullshit, irrelevant posts on her….but I don’t remember who she is, what she’s done, but I know her fan base includes at least one dude who jerks off to her…this is for that guy…

I’d also be lying if I said I’ve never been turned on by a chick I don’t know in workout gear working out…not that I go to the gym, but that would be the only reason to go and I assure you that I would get turned on by a chick doing a workout…all that strength and those poses…and positions…that flexibility…clothed but still slutty enough to see things you would otherwise only see if she was boning you…which will never happen…because she’s important, she’s on Extra but she’s no Mario Lopez…who I think is the host of Extra…and if he’s not, this post will make no sense…and does it really need to make sense…there’s a girl in squat position, ass out…which is what this is really about.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Gnarly Cameltoe of the Day

Nina Dobrev Gnarly Cameltoe

Nina Dobrev’s gnarly cameltoe came out a few days ago, and it is pretty fucking hilarious, why even wear leggings at this point, but likely wearing leggings just so that you can pull off the pussy cameltoe without it coming across as shameless…or attention seeking…

I’ve been told by someone who fucked someone Nina fucked – that Nina’s got herpes, which makes sense since everyone’s got herpes…especially young starlets, who I think are Canadian..trying to make it in America on a show that I don’t even know if it’s on tv anymore…but that Cameltoe is happening…it’s modern…convenient…..

Remember – she POSTED this to her social media…intentionall


To See More – CLICK HERE

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev’s Crotch Shot of the Day

Nina Dovrev black panty crotch shot

In a world of porn, spread assholes, and all that pantyless good times being norm…it is hard to get excited about a panty flash…it’s like I see more pussy lip / hair / anything pussy oriented on social media…making a casual getting out of car…what was at one point the Paparazzi tease tactic that all these whores would do to get in the media on purpose…you know short skirt, getting out of car, making eye contact, sometimes winking at the camera, to let us all know they are doing it on purpose…making it look casual…because back then, it was impossible to whore yourself out half naked, pussy out, it wasnt mainstream and it would get you fired from your Disney contract…but now a days, this is where all these people are doing their castings..you need to be a public whore who gets naked firs and foremost before getting hired to work at Disney…making it awkward for the 12 year olds…unless they are Ariel Winter or have moms like Ariel Winter who teach them right…

What I am saying is that I come from an era of when the whores were secret whores…forced to panty flash like a little tease whore….because actual whores got lynched…

But now we are in an era of whores being what get jobs, what matter, half naked and amazing..if you can’t whore you don’t get work…

Leaving tactics like this panty flash, on a Canadian TV starlet named Nina Dobrev confusing to me, the limbo of panty flashes, like is it actually just an accident, even though for years it was a tactic, or is she just too old to be that basic IG whore..and still pulls the old tricks since they got her where she is in terms of fame using the old tactics…

So many useless questions about useless pussy.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Bikini Bottoms in Hawaii of the Day

Nina Dobrev Canadian Actress in Hot Red Bikini Bottoms

Nina Dobrev is a rumored Canadian, but I don’t see how that’s possible, seeing as she’s in AMerica and that is against TRUMP’s way. It’s like leave them in their fucking igloos where they belong, I guess based on his wife, there are exceptions like if they are worth fucking and willing to let you grab them by the pussy.

But I guess based on her red bikini bottom little pussy cameltoe, your president, would approve of her an her work visa, like he did with his wife, because if she’s good enough to fuck, she’s good enough genetically to throw into the mix and the American Gene Pool for future strength in the top tier of the next generation, raised by vapid celebrities with a lot of money who understand the importance of bikini pics…

Now Nina, who we don’t actually care about, but her body looks good, is doing some charity event or documentary to save the oceans, and I think in bottoms like that the only thing she’s saving is my possible disdain for her, you know self hating Canadian, thinking damn, if she wants to save anything she should come give me mouth to mouth with her pussy after she fucks me to death…you know a REAL charitable cause…not this damn ocean climate shit….ME….make it about me mother fuckers…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Shay Mitchell VS Nina Dobrev in a Canadian Brown Girl Bikini of the Day

Shay Mitchell and Nina Dobrev are two Canadian brown girls who made it in America. They both got on weird shows with weird pervert fans and both got all famous in their own right. The kind of annoying actor famous where they genuinely think they are super fucking important. The kind of annoying actor famous that means they aren’t about to talk to me when they come back to Canada for their grandma’s funeral or to film a movie and pretend they are connected with Canadians while really being LA cunts who think Toronto is so quaint or some shit…

Well, they are both uneventful in bikinis and I figure, whether they are too cool in their minds for people like me at the igloo party or not, they can be reduced to how they look in bikini and compared to actual hot chicks on instagram who don’t act they are a solid 5 and a half….but to people into their acting, I’m sure they are a 10….

Looks Like Garbage to Me…but when I put bikinis on garbage it looks less appealing…damn rotten cabbage why can’t you smell better…



I guess Nina Wins…she had more pics…and tried harder. Even though both are try hards.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW|Shay Mitchell




Nina Dobrev Titty Grab of the Day

Nina Dobrev is a rumored Canadian, but I don’t see how that’s possible, seeing as she’s in AMerica and that is against TRUMP’s way. It’s like leave them in their fucking igloos where they belong, I guess based on his wife, there are exceptions like if they are worth fucking and willing to let you grab them by the pussy.

The important thing about Nina Dobrev is that she’s now dating ORLANDO Bloom, very important…but not as important as the rumor that she has herpes…but that wouldn’t stop you from smearing her onto your face…because when nerdy weridos get excited for a girl…they go for it….they think it is love…or meant to be and herpes is better than not fucking NiNA DOBREV…

That said, all the slophole pussy in hollywood has herpes…so my source is credible – sure – but the info they feed me obvious..and boring…Like NINA Dobrev….


Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev on Yachts of the Day

Julianne Hough is apparently getting married because she’s basic like that, you know doing the whole rich and famous princess wedding for someone who I will assume is really fucking lame, uninteresting, entitled and bratty…totally something I don’t like from a professional dancer, I like when they are less hollywood and on tv and more broken, in strip clubs, trying to pay the bills for their shitty kids because they don’t live the dream life….they live a fucking nightmare…the way anyone who trains to be a pro dancer should be….

That said, she’s on her bachelorette party with her bff…Canadian herpes owner Nina Dobrev and the whole thing seems fucking lame as you’d expect…just basic women with too much money and celebrity…the worst…but in bikini…so not so bad I guess…


Some videos and shit..

Posted in:Julianne Hough|Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev in a Bikini of the Day


Nina Dobrev is supposed to be from Canada, but she’s in a bikini, which is something that I don’t think Canadians are legally allowed to do in their Igloos, but maybe things change when they escape the ice wall….not that she’s a real Canadian, she’s from Eastern Europe – and Canada just hands out passports to young harlots…who end up in LA on VAMPIRE shows for kids for pervert dudes who like girls on TV….

Rumor has it she has herpes…but that wouldn’t stop you from smearing her onto your face…because when nerdy weridos get excited for a girl…they go for it….because one second of goood times with a famous bitch no one’ ever heard off is worth a lifetime of itchy scabs on your dick

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev Does Instagram Bikini Pics of the Day


Nina Dobrev is a Bulgarian who moved to Canada at two to become a Canadian icon who left Canada for Hollywood after being introduced to the world of acting and I guess the world by booking Degrassi like she was Drake, but blacker.

She’s ended up getting on some show The Vampire Diaries, when Vampires were what Zombies are now that instagram took over the world and everyone just stares at themselves in the mirror with empty / dead eyes / craving likes…something this Vampire actor isn’t immune to, because these pics of her little body in a bikini is from her recent American Thanksgiving weekend in Mexico…where she got to spend some of that actor money…her family escaped communism for her to have…

The only Nina Dobrev story I’ve heard was from a passionate ex girlfriend of a guy who ended up banging Nina Dobrev….and her claim was that she has herpes….which in Hollywood is code for “she has a vagina”…

Fascinating. I wonder if the salt water burns her ‘GINA

A video posted by Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev) on

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Nina Dobrev and Julianne Hough are Love Level Mooners of the Day

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LA girls are so fucking annoying…not that either of these girls are from LA, one is from Canada, and I think these pictures are taken in Canada, while the other one is from wherever the fuck the song and dance HOUGHS are from…

They are just like the high school cheerleaders are in movies. All excited and happy to be alive, smiling and being all cute and bubbly on camera. Likeable to the retards, but really dark behind the scenes – because no one is a fucking Disney character every day all day…

I also know girls who have Fucked Seacrest, who HOUGH HUGH WHO HOUGH hooooo dated…and dude does some wild and crazy cocaine fueled things…not that you wouldn’t if you had to be a dancing monkey 19 hours a day…and you created the Karadashians cancer to society….or is it AIDS…

It’s just a lot of smiles and hugs and fake bullshit..when they are really just humans..barely humans..but humans nonetheless..

So seeing BFFs seems like bullshit, but seeing them moon, without showing full ass, is also bullshit, but it’s their way of being cute, and fun, doing something I want done every time I drive by a school bus full of college girls…but it never happens…it doesn’t happen in real life…but when you’re constantly acting and putting on a show…it does…

But I know..that at least one of these asses has gaped…so play all fun and innocent..but you can’t fool me motherfuckers..

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Here’s a video of her falling while wake surfing…

A video posted by Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev) on

Posted in:Julianne Hough|Nina Dobrev|SFW