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Archive for the Nina Dobrev Category




Nina Dobrev Laying in Bed Being Seductive of the Day

I don’t know if girls laying in bed, looking like they’ve had a little too much to drink after a birthday party, in some weird pre-porn scene pose is a fetish, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be, I mean nothing like getting a drunk bitch in Cabo back to your room, party hat still on, big tits spilling out of her dress, ready for you to reach up her skirt, or climb up her skirt to pleasure her in ways she won’t remember because you know if she wasn’t drunk you’d never be in there with her, but since she is drunk, you’re riding that grey area of consent right to a herpes outbreak.

Now, I’m not saying you should want to date rape Nina Dobrev, but she is eastern european and they are a resilient people, used to being put through some shit to have a better future for themselves and their kids, plus she’s looking hotter than she’s ever looked, tits bigger than they’ve ever looked and I’m not sure how that happens, but I don’t mind staring at her self produced fetish smut.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev in a Bikini of the Day

Nina Dobrev is a 33 year old Bulgarian import, who came over when she was 2 years old, so that probably makes her less of an import that other immigrants since she basically grew up in Canada, before finding commercial success in the USA and never coming back to Canada, like every Canadian celebrity who pretends to love the socialist regime of Canada, but who never come back to it after they escape, we’re onto you liars.

I don’t know what movies she’s been in since Vampire Diaries and I am surprised I even know she was in Vampire Diaries since I’m not really into watching that kind of bullshit, but I guess my brain retains the occasional fact about celebrity tits I don’t care about.

I do know that she’s dating billionaire Snowboard hero Shaun White, so that these bikini clad titties get sucked on by some weirdo ginger like some kind of horror movie, you know real life Chuckie doll….which I guess is exciting for those of you who like to visualize her fucking her boyfriend….

I like that she doesn’t look like an overly face injected girl, you know she actually looks like she’s 33, but I prefer realizing she’s got fat tits….were they always this big, is this what the aging process looks like when you’re ethnically Bulgarian, are they implants or a push up bra, will we ever know, does it really matter….since we can’t show her her war torn home and threaten to send her back like you can with real mail order brides, since she’s Canadian, rich and unable to be deported for being a misbehaving hired wife…..but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the sex worker instinct in her DNA, like some generational trauma that makes her behave when sucking dick, it just means you can’t threaten to send her back overseas when she doesn’t suck your dick and that takes away the fun in Eastern European romance you fantasize about having with famous chicks who wouldn’t give you the time of day because you’re weird. It is not your fault, the media made you this way!!


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev’s Slutty Selfie of the Day

I don’t know if Nina Dobrev was always this hot, because I don’t remember noticing her when she was on that vampire show where she seemed like a corny fuck, but maybe I just wrote her off because I knew she came into Canada with our open immigration policy, only to fuck off when she started making real money with her acting, avoiding the paying back into the system that gave her refuge from whatever Eastern European country she came in from, all full of white privilege….you know making me feel as though she used our country for her personal gain like some kind of opportunistic slut scumbag…

I didn’t actually give a shit about any of that, I just don’ watch shitty TV and I guess she wasn’t putting enough slutty attention seeking content out there for my pervert ass to notice…

But in the last few years, she’s been popping up, while getting popped up inside her by a weird ginger Carrot Top looking motherfucker who excels at board sports thanks to his super Ginger strength….they are a strong people, because they come from a line of people who were left in the forest to fend for themselves because they were seen as demons…..

So yeah, in the last few years she hadn’t destroyed her face with muppet injections, so she looked her early 30s age and almost REAL, then I realized she had long legs and a waist to hip ratio, and most importantly TITS….so as far as I’m concerned this Vampire Diary corny Eastern European Canadian American who fucks any passport she can it seems, matters….

She posted a slutty selfie in a brown dress, and another slutty selfie in a white shir and it’s good.

Here’s some bonus pic that is not a slutty selfie….

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Pussy Flashing Sharks of the Day

Nina Dobrev provided you with some underwater fetish porn, involving her ass underweater in a skimpy enough bikini, that could always be skimpier, why even wear a bikini at all, really….I guess to give us something to use our imagination on, or maybe because her asshole is one of those dark assholes she’s ashamed of, or maybe it’s just not necessary since she’s rich from being on TV and her husband or soon to be husban is Shaun White, some billionaire snowboarding legend and American Hero who is now working as Carrot Top impersonator…..because I am still sure they are the same person…but that’s probably just ginger racism…..THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME with their demonic hair.

Anyway, Nina, the Eastern European, who has come through Canada to America is in her 30s, maybe eve 35 and I only decided she was fucking hot in the last 2 years, which is weird to me…..but better late than sorry.

She’s got long legs, a hot ass and pretty decent titties, what more could you want….I mean other than for her bikini bottoms to get eating by the shark in some viral shark attack that we can jerk off to….whether it ate her arm off like that Surfer or not….so long as there’s Dobrev pussy, I’m watching.

Is this a cocktease, or is this racy, I don’t know…maybe it’s just an innocent ass in bikini leg spreading video that she’s posting for lifestyle, to show you how she lives and the adventures she goes on, and not shameless ass promoting content at all….maybe only a sick pervert would reduce this luxurious experience as an ass underwater fetish video….which I am, so it is.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev hot Tits in Cannes of the Day

I didn’t give a fuck about Nina Dobrev when she first surfaced as some Canadian immigrant who took advantage of easy immigration laws, with her eyes set on America, because if you make it in Canada, you can make it in the USA motherfuckers, not that I’d know, I haven’t made it anywhere, except with myself, looking at pics of people who have made it….which is making it by proxy I guess.

I do give a fuck about Nina Dobrev now, not because I’m some snowboard fan who groupies on all pussy Shaun White puts his billionaire snowboard dick into….he didn’t increase her value to me, if anything, it creeps me out that they fuck….I am a GINGER RACIST still.

I just didn’t realize she had this rocking Eastern European body, the long legs, the hot tits, it was a revelation….

Plus she doesn’t jack herself up with BOTOX or look like a clown….so it’s an added bonus.

So check out those Eastern European titties…like they are reefugees you want to save with your mouth….

While in Cannes, she’s hanging with crackhead Cara Delevingne that went viral last week for being a weird latch on…and the now hot Zoey Deutch, who like Nina Dobrev never appealed to me but in her seashell dress looks fucking hot to me now.

To See the Rest of the Pics from Cannes featuring a whole bunch of sluts CLICK HERE

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Swimsuit of the Day

Nina Dobrev gets to live the Sugar Baby life, despite being a celebrity in her own right, that is just for show, so that the Sugar Daddy doesn’t know he’s a Sugar Daddy, but rather that she’s a working actress and influencer who doesn’t need his money…

One of the funniest ways the whores game their sugar daddies is paying for the first date, if you pay for the first date, the idiot rich guys don’t realize that you’re never going to pay again, they get so excited that they paid the first time rather than taking the free ride, so that they’ll never let them pay again…it’s a weird dynamic, but it works….

So if you’r a sugar baby out there, get a fake job like model or actress, maybe even get your own house or nice apartment to give the illusion you’re not there because dudes a billionaire, pay for dinners, and the Sugar Day will think he struck gold, and bitch can take it to the next level of sperm in the womb, to baby, to marriage, to child support, to alimony and free houses…..LIVING THE DREAM.

The nice thing about this Eastern European, who rolled through Canada on her way to the USA is that she’s got a pretty awesome body and has turned out to be way hotter than I thought she was, so if you’re going to sugar daddy anyone, this is the kind of girl you’d go for….


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Ass of the Day

Nina Dobrev is a masterful pervert…

I didn’t watch the Vampire Diary show that made her famous, I just assumed she was a Lucy Hale, CW network sweetheart, pretty brand safe, parent safe, and boring…with the acting chops of someone you’d expect they found a mall buying Mall Brand shit….

So I was not aware that she was packing this Eastern European body, which now makes sense, knowing that Hollywood bangs out their female talent, you’d want it to look good.

I don’t know any other celebrity with long thin legs or an ass like this, just doing a casual bending over you can jerk off to….PUSSY FROM BEHIND….pull down those bikini bottoms….make it count…show us how the RICH GUYS live…

The other thing I like about her, which is a weird thing, especially in this era, and it’s not that I can show her war torn country of origin to make her never leave me, since she’s already rich and probably going to be knocked up if not already knocked up by Carrot Top’s snowboarding brother…..very rich guy…..

the other thing I like about her is that she looks her age, which I am assuming is between 30 and 35…which in an era of MUPPET faces is pretty fucking great.

The Canadian import only to be quickly exported to America, the way human trafficking is done, getting perved on by one of the creepiest looking athletes ever, is definitely not the highlight of this shoot….but I’ll stare at sluts being sluts…what else do I have going on…NOT VERY MUCH….


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Wet of the Day

I never thought much of Nina Dobrev, a Canadian Refugee who has found salvation in Los Angeles thanks to being an “actor” whatever the fuck that means….she’s originally from some GYPSY producing country that I’d assume a bunch of people are jerking off to in this whole WORLD WAR III performance piece people are actually invested in and talking about, when I’m fully not interested in any of that shit in any way, besides finding a fucking CHARTER jet to bring all the bitches to DRUNKENSTEPFATHER headquarters where I will show them images of War Torn communities demanding a dick suck or being threatened with being sent back!

I do always find it interesting when the immigrants come to Canada, then fuck off to America, only to do big things, like TV shows, eventually ending up on SHAUN WHITE’S snowboard penis…but not that interesting….

I actually find her hot, long, busty enough, fit enough, mid-30s body pretty fucking great….so I went from not thinking anything about a Canadian hero who wasn’t born in Canada…but maybe represents how great immigration is, cultivate them so their future tax dollars get paid to AMERICA…where they moved to….to thinking she’s one of the hotter starlets in her 30s who doesn’t really star in anything, but does a good job half naked on instagram…for an old chick.

So you just saw her getting wet….now here she is getting dirty…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Spreads Em of the Day

I don’t know about you, but I’ve watched the Olympics a few times through the living room window of some hot chick in a building down the street….last night it was BIG AIR on skis which looked like some kind of distopian hell thanks to the jump being set next to Nuclear Chimneys….but the hot chick who I watched watching the Olympics looked pretty hot in her little bike shorts..so I stuck around trying to not get noticed….

Anyway, the girl is doing a little subtle PUSSY flash in her TEAM USA shorts for the MAN who owns her PUSSY….billionaire snowboarder Shaun White…who is having a go at his last Olympics….doing some half pipe shit, which is apparently not NINA’s favorite pipe he lays, but it probably buys her nice things like TEAM USA slut gear….even though she’s a Gypsy Canadian immigrant…who I guess just USED Canada to get some TEAM USA cock…

The fact is, Nina Dobrev, who I never really cared about, other than calling her out for using the Canadian immigration system for her personal gain, since we don’t hang out at our IGLOO festivals during MAPLE syrup run-off, while the TRUCKERS honk at our government….but in recent days, she’s got that thin, long, eastern European body, which is hot to me….so this PUSSY flash cheerleading for her MAN…is my kind of CHEERLEADING….it’s far better than “break a leg”….or…”Go, Team, Go”….


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Nina Dobrev Poor Dog of the Day

I don’t know if Nina Dobrev is one of those PEANUT BUTTER GIRLS who smears peanut butter on their pussies for their dogs to lick off as a form of masturbation, because it’s not really something that gets advertised, if anything it’s the kind of thing that you will NEVER know about because the dog can’t talk…and the girl, when getting sniffed by her dog will just blame it on him being a dog, her period, or her lack of showering….she won’t be like “I trained my dog to eat my pussy”…and if she was like that, it’d probably be pretty disturbing for someone like me who likes dogs….and doesn’t like when those innocent angels from heaven are mistreated by perverts trying to cum.

I do know that Nina Dobrev’s got some long legs on her Eastern European mid-30 year old childless body, that I think looks pretty fucking good, especially since she’s not botoxed as hard as other celebs and looks like a real fucking person…rare in this era of everyone is a filtered face freak trying to trick you into thinking women don’t start rotting at 30…even though they all start rotting at 30….

The point of the story isn’t the dog on her vagina, but the fact that she poses like this, showing off her pilates and ability to get deep fucking dicked with her legs practically around her head as you’d want to see be a talent or skill of a standard sex partner…especially if you have a small dick….HER flexibility helps your dickhead kiss her cervix….making you feel like a man…

These Eastern European girls aim to please their man….and I support that.

Yes, I have recently decided Nina Dobrev is hot….so I must endorse her at all times…which is easy when she’s doing this naughty shit.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev